Tag Archives: sit stand movement

Active movement at work


By Stephen Bowden – Chartered Ergonomist

Stephen Bowden Chartered Ergonomist

Why standing from sitting and keeping active is vital for your health and wellbeing

Cars, trains, planes, mobile phones, desktop computers, tablet computers, mobile phone applications, online food delivery companies, comfortable ‘ergonomic’ chairs, escalators and lifts, modern offices are just a few examples of technology/designs that reduce the amount of movement the human body makes on a day to day basis. There is no argument that the above list of modern technology improves our productivity but at what cost to our health and wellbeing?

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Is your office environment causing your staff to leave?

The work environment and job satisfaction are intrinsically linked. What an employee thinks about their workstation, their office, and how their wellbeing is valued will undoubtedly influence how long they plan to stay in a role.

Fellowes research supports this assertion. According to our paper, A Little Movement for Big Success , almost a third of all employees would quit their jobs because of the negative effects their working environment is having on their health. And over half of managers think they’ve lost employees for the same reason.

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The changing face of workplace wellbeing

New research commissioned by Fellowes reveals that lack of regular movement and bad posture are causing one in three workers to suffer a health problem. This is resulting in a staggering €73 billion lost across European businesses due to sickness days.

What does workplace wellbeing mean to you as an employer? Free gym membership? A basket of fruit in the staff kitchen? A chill-out room with bean-bags and soft pink walls?

Workplace wellbeing initiatives make for happier employees. Continue reading